Orient & Occident united
Sweet variety, savoury indulgence
At Sandweg 10 you will find our gem with an open bakery. Visit us here too and try our delicious treats. We offer fresh bread variations, rolls, cakes, tarts, sweet and savoury treats from the Orient & Occident every day. We will be happy to bake the next cake for your celebration.
With our own bakery, we can now produce our own recipes for cakes, tarts and sweets fresh every day. The sweet range is complemented by special bread variations and rolls that are still handmade from fresh ingredients from the region. Handmade only.
More Information
- Free drink or/and food Offer details
- Sample: Free drinks and food, depending on influencer type and number of followers. Let's talk about it. / Food voucher of up to X euros. / Food voucher in the amount of X Euro. / Cake for 2 people incl. hot drinks Booking details
- Please fill out the booking form and we will contact you directly. Desired social media channels
- Instagram, TikTok Instagram URL
- https://www.instagram.com/mokkateeria/ Instagram - Terms of participation
- Let´s talk about the terms of participation directly, or 3/4 Instagram stories as a timeline of your visit with us or one posting about the visit. Please also tag the page so that we can share on our story as well. TikTok URL
- https://www.tiktok.com/@mokkateeria TikTok - Terms of participation
- Let´s talk about the terms of participation directly, or please create 1 video of your time with us and tag our page in the text.